Hello Gatsby

Dec 27, 2018

This is a post on my experience in creating this blog using Gatsby.

[edit 15 jan 2023] Corrige: I’ve switched the blog framework to astrojs.


In the past I’ve seen many framework and open source projects claim themselves as the ultimate blogging platform, but since I’m a client-side and js enthusiast I couldn’t settle with any old school CMS;
so these were the requirements of what I was looking for:

  • Completely client side (react all the way).
  • Functional server/client communication out of the box.
  • Server side rendering.
  • Possibly not maintain a db (markdown files please).
  • Something that could be expandable.

I had already heard of Gatsby and reading the docs these are actually some of its selling points.

The thing that amazed me most (and probably creates confusion to new comers) is the fact that you can opt in and out of some of the points above through plugins/configuration, and this makes it adaptable to all sorts of projects apart from blogging. Plus it comes with a lot of goodies such as server side rendering, underlying graphql communication (also Graphiql in development), PWA (Workbox), ahead of time data fetching, caching, etc..

Let’s set it up

Setting it up for development is really a breeze.
Gatsby comes with the gatsby-cli tool, this will abstract away the preparation of development tooling and production builds.

The command to get the development environment running is
gatsby develop
What you get is hot-reload environment that supports JS modern syntax.

Choosing a starter theme

The starter theme I chose for the blog is the gatsby-starter-blog (installed with yarn add gatsby-starter-blog); there are many to choose from but this seems to be one of the most popular, since it supports all the requirements I was looking for this was an easy decision.

Gatsby configuration

The place where you will need to wire up and configure all the plugins is the gatsby-config.js file (in the root of the project), the starter theme already comes with some plugins already configured:

  • gatsby-source-filesystem
    needed for requests dealing with posts (stored on md files)
  • gatsby-transformer-remark
    to tranform markdown to html
  • gatsby-plugin-sharp & gatsby-transformer-sharp
    used for processing images
  • gatsby-plugin-google-analytics
    for setting up analytics tracker
  • gatsby-plugin-feed
    for rss
  • gatsby-plugin-manifest & gatsby-plugin-offline
    to set up the PWA
  • gatsby-plugin-react-helmet
    control head node in react
  • gatsby-plugin-typography
    which controls typography and global css

This is only the top list of plugins, some plugins also have related sub-modules that can be used/configured.

Final Build

As you would expect there is an intuitive gatsby build command to prepare the production build. to serve the files you’ve just build you can use the gatsby serve command and your project will be reachable on port 9000.

As for the actual server I’d probably have nginx proxy all the static resources out of the public directory (that’s the default location for the build).

If you’re wondering “hei you said there’s an API, how can it be static”,
the magic here is that gatsby uses graphql at build time, you use the language to describe what the component will need and then use that info when building the pages;
In reality the documentation states that you could also have an API feed you data, so like most other things in Gatsby this is an option.

And this is my first post on Gatsby, hope you’ll enjoy the framework as much as I am!